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A great reasons to try and keep being a vegetarian

A lot of people now is getting aware and conscious with the kind of food they consume. Staying healthy and fit is now a trend than stressing oneself to be skinny, momentarily. Have you tried considering a vegetarian diet? Going green isn’t just good for the environment: reducing your meat consumption benefits our overall health and body, plus it makes us feel good inside and out. “The average American who switches to a healthy reduced-meat or vegetarian diet will lose weight, see improvements in their cholesterol profiles and blood sugar levels, reduce cardiovascular risk, and look healthier,” says Steven Masley, MD, nutritionist and author of The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up: A Breakthrough Medical Plan to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.

Here are great reasons for you to try vegetarian eating habits.

1. Reduce risk for Diabetes

Study suggests that those who avoided meat and poultry products tended to have lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides, compared to those who regularly consumed those foods. An American Diabetes Association study found that people following a vegetarian diet had a decreased risk of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors linked to type 2 diabetes.

2. Improve Heart Health

Meat and dairy products that has high in saturated fats raises the level of cholesterol in the blood, thus high levels of blood cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease. Eliminating meat from our diet lowers the amount of saturated fat automatically and in turn reducing cardiovascular disease risk.

3. Lowers Blood Pressure

According to Public health Nutrition, and some studies suggests that vegetarians and vegans have less hypertension than meat-eaters. Researchers say it’s due to their lower average weight and higher intakes of fruits and vegetables.

4. Help lose weight

A study made by The Obesity Society in 2013, presented two groups who took in the same number of calories, show that obese or overweight people following a vegetarian diet lost more weight that those who consumed meat in their diet. Plus, another study in 2013 published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics showed that people who don’t eat meat have a lower average BMI than meat-eaters, and that vegans have a significantly lower obesity rate than omnivores.

5. Reduce Cancer Risk

In 2002, researchers at Loma Linda University began a 10-year study of nearly 70,000 Seventh Day Adventists, whose religious doctrine advises them against eating meat. Their research found an association between a vegan diet and a decreased risk for all cancer types. Researchers also discovered that vegetarians experienced less gastrointestinal cancer, such as colorectal cancer, and that vegan women experienced fewer female-specific cancers, such as breast cancer.

6. Gives Skin Glow

One of the best diets for our skin is being a vegetarian/vegan. Eating a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains loads you up with antioxidants, that neutralizes the free radicals that can bring on wrinkles, brown spots, and other signs of aging.

7. Increase Energy Levels

Research found that dietary nitrates can reduce blood pressure and even enhance exercise performance, so eating more spinach, kale, beans, and other foods high in nitrates may help a lot to and will make us feel more energized over time. These foods open up blood vessels, allow more oxygen in, and have the ability to energize us in a deep way.

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